There is some essential information that you will need to include within the statement of main terms and conditions.
- The name of the employee and of the company employing them
- Their job title – full details of the job do not need to be included
- The date when the employment began and start date of continuous employment, if different
- The intended duration of the employment if it is not permanent
- The employers address and the place of work
- The rate of pay and the intervals at which it is to be paid
- The hours of work
- Holiday entitlement and pay
- Notice required by each party to end employment
- Details of any probationary period and any conditions relating to it
- Any training the employee must complete and whether or not the employer will pay for it
- Whether the employee will work abroad
- Reference to any relevant collective agreements.
You should also provide details of the following, although these may be provided separately:
- Sick leave and pay entitlements
- Any other paid leave
- Pensions and pension schemes
- Disciplinary and grievance procedures, including appeals procedure.
Many employers will refer to these in the contract of employment and include more details in an employee handbook.